Thursday, March 8, 2012

Academic Language Week 2 - Cars

Would you want a car that drives itself?  Yes because its a high use of technology that can help people in so many different ways. Yea, it may be tons of money but just think about the good use it will give. All the money you spend on the car wont be a waste.

This amazing piece of technology will drive itself, this is a great METHOD that will have you do nothing. Just think about it, you get in your car and all you have to do is press a few buttons and then just sit back and relax. That would really be amazing.

Also a car that will drive itself will allow less accidents to OCCUR the car can easily be managed by all the gadgets it has. But just think about it, having to steer the car and accidently slip your hand on the steering wheel and could’nt step on the break fast enough, then there you have it, a car accident.

Having a car that will do all the work and just drive its self, would be easier to PROCEED. it would be easier to manage. Just imagine your foot hurts or you have cramps in your fingers, and its just to much pain to b using them, but then you have to get somewhere important. Thats when the car that drives itself comes in handy.

In conclusion, having a car that drives itself is a safe and efficient way to get around. The good thing about it is you dont even have to do much. No steering or stomping on the breaks. Just sit back and relax.  I think if everyone had a chance to get this car, they should take it. This is a great piece of beauty and technology.

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