Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SPA Policy Blog Paragraph

One policy that I wish could be changed is restrictions. I feel that some staff or supervisors give restrictions for uneccassary reasons sometimes.Currently, this policy states that staff and supervisors are allowed to give you restrictions if their is school problems, caught smoking or drinking, fighting, peircings that werent done when you came, and for coming home late, or not going to school. My concern is that some staff and supervisors give restrictions for everything beside that. I think it should be changed because staff like to give students restrictions for anything and everything. It could be something stupid like not going to the dinner table. Also, some kids can even get worse for giving them a restriction. So I believe that you should give students restrictions only if it is needed. If this policy was changed, I would be happy. Maybe I would respect people more, because their not giving me a restriction for something really stupid.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Academic Update Blog Paragraph

My career goal is to become a famous actress. This job involves knowing how to act, getting along with people, and being able to do things in front of the camera are people. I want to do this because im really good at it. Also im very dramatic. I could get into my character really easily. I will achieve this goal by going to a preforming arts college or taking classes. I will remain motivated by having my supporters there for me, practicing, and keeping my head high because i know im really good. So im not going listen to what people say or think.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Academic Language Week 33 - American Students

American students are falling behind academically compared to students in other countries.DATA shows statiscically that we score way lower than other countries in math and science. Its pretty harsh to say but its true. One reason is, that in other countries Students of all ages and grades have to pay to go to school. So therefor students will take their education more seriously. COMPARED to America we get a free education. Another reason is,In some other countries they have higher technology. Also higher resources than we do. So if we had scources like other countries I think the RANGE of our test scores would increase. Additionally, Students in other countries are in school longer. It vary's some students are in school from 10-12 months. So students in other countries have a higher chance of getting higher test scores. In conclusion, American students are falling behind academically compared to students in other countries. If students in America would take their education a little more serious then maybe our test scores would increases. I know people are going to hate me for saying this but, if we stayed in school a little longer and studied harder then I think maybe we would do better.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ironic Story Blog Post

So in the movie 2012, A ship goes out and sails off into the ocean. mean while back on land, there are these huge earthquakes and disasters. it starts out as a little earthquake and then leads to bigger and bigger ones. california goes down first. Like litteratly the whole world is taring apart. But remember the people out on the ship dosnt feel a thing because they are on water out in the middle of the ocean. So its funny because while the people were eating dinner out on the ship the orchastra was singing "Its Not The End of The world" but little did they know that all the land was tore apart. soon after the song there are these huge tsunami's, and all the people on the ship died. but its just funny because it really was the end of the world.